hollandaise eggs benedict with spinach and hashbrowns

Don’t get me wrong, I love classic butter-based Hollandaise Sauce. But, it’s super heavy. When I first discovered I could replace the butter with protein-packed Greek yogurt I suddenly found myself wanting to add Hollandaise Sauce on anything I could.

Although this version of Hollandaise is light it doesn’t sacrifice flavor. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, and that’s pretty impressive. Lemon and herbs are crucial to brightening up the heaviness of the egg yolks.

Dishes that pair well with Hollandaise

Adding different herbs will turn out a slightly different sauce. For example, dried dill pairs nicely with fish, herbs de Provence pairs nicely with chicken and in my opinion dried parsley pairs well with everything.

Yield: About 1 1/4 cup

Yogurt Hollandaise Sauce

hollandaise eggs benedict with spinach and hashbrowns

Greek yogurt replaces butter in this spin on the classic Hollandaise Sauce. Traditional flavors and consistency without the excess calories.


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 3 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 3 egg yolks
  • ½ tsp Dijon mustard
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • ½ tsp warm water


  1. Place a small saucepan with about 1 cup of water over medium
  2. In a medium metal bowl beat together yogurt, lemon juice and egg yolks until slightly foamy.
  3. Once water in saucepan beings to simmer, turn it
    down to medium low and rest metal bowl on top of saucepan, whisking egg mixture constantly for about 12 – 14 minutes. I suggest using a fitted ovenmit to hold metal bowl in place while whisking (you don’t want to use a dishtowel which will catch the flame!) **Note: if water in sauce pan begins to boil, turn heat down further or eggs will begin to scramble. Sauce may become thinner, but will thicken again.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in salt, mustard, cayenne pepper and desired dried herbs.
  5. If sauce is too thick add ½ tsp of warm water at a time until desired consistency. Careful not to thin sauce too much too quickly.


Recipe adapted from Food.com

I always find that this sauce is the perfect way to use up egg yolks when I need egg whites for cocktails.

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