What’s the best way to get around Paris?

There are several options for transportation in Paris but my favorite methods are the metro and Uber.

Transportation in Paris: The Metro

The Paris Metro is the equivalent of the NYC subway and costs about $2 USD per ride.

Consider the Unlimited Pass if you are visiting Paris for 1-7 days. It might be a more cost-effective option if you plan to use a lot of public transportation, like the metro, bus, or train (known as the RER). The RER travels to the outskirts of the city and airport.

FQ Tip: To avoid confusion, remember that the Paris Metro lines are identified by numbers, (Lines 1 – 14) and run primarily within the city limits. The RER train lines are identified by letters (Lines A, B, and C) and run from the city center to the suburbs and the Paris airports.

Keep in mind that in Paris priority seating for the metro, bus and train is for people who are disabled, elderly, pregnant or have young children. Throughout Europe, culturally it is expected for you to offer your seat if you are able to stand comfortably. If not, someone else most likely will offer their seat, but kindness is key and it’s nice to be that person that offers it first.

Transportation in Paris: Uber

Uber is available in Paris and it’s my favorite way to travel around the city. I especially love it if I’m all dolled up for dinner (and have nice-to-look-at but hard-to-walk-in shoes on!)

In addition to its convenience, I love using Uber in foreign countries, especially when I’m unfamiliar with the city.

Prior to the invention of Uber and its equivalents, I had several bad experiences using taxis in foreign countries.

On several occasions I felt ripped off, driven in circles or taken advantage of because of the language barrier. I’m not saying all taxi drivers are like that, but I avoided taxis in unfamiliar places at all costs after a while. Plus, as a young woman I always felt a little unsafe not knowing if the taxi was headed in the right direction.

Using Uber makes me feel more at ease. I like to see that, in fact, my driver IS taking Uber’s suggested route. Plus, I like to know the estimated cost of the ride prior to booking it.

To read more about Paris, check out my Paris Travel Guide.

Now that you know the best transportation options in Paris, check out Where to Stay in Paris or When to Visit.

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