Quest for the Best: Truffle Spicy Salmon Roll

quest for the best truffle spicy tuna and truffle spicy salmon rolls at poke restaurant nyc

Tucked on 85th street behind an unassuming storefront is where I found the best Truffle Spicy Salmon roll. While the truffle trend seemed to peak in 2013, when all the hot Brooklyn foodcentric spots were drizzling the musky nectar on their high-end food creations, it happens to STILL be peaking at Poke Restaurant on the […]

Bangkok’s Best Restaurants: Dinner at Hanazen

best restaurants bangkok japanese food hanazen uni the food quest

I’m always on a mission to find Bangkok’s best restaurants. Wandering down a small residential street in Northeastern Bangkok, I stumbled upon Hanazen. I’d like to say it’s rare that I’d fly to the other side of the world for a meal. But here, in front of me stood a small, unassuming Japanese restaurant worthy […]