Photo by Ibrahim Boran.


How to Pay and Tip in Paris:

At the end of my first dinner in Paris, I couldn’t connect to Wifi, had no cell service and didn’t know the tipping customs in France! My study abroad friends that sat at the table with me didn’t know how to tip either. So when we got the bill, I went outside and asked passerby’s if they spoke English. Finally one man walking his dog said he spoke English and I pleaded with him to let me know how to tip. I was embarrassed, but he gave a friendly chuckle and explained French tipping etiquette. Don’t be like me, and learn how to pay and tip in Paris before you go!

Accepted Payment in Paris

Most restaurants will accept major credit cards however a number of places do not accept American Express.

If you’re curious you can always call or message (via social media) a restaurant before you go to confirm what forms of payment they accept.

Should I carry cash?

It’s important to note that many smaller shops like cafes and street vendors tend to accept cash only.

I typically carry about $100 USD worth of local currency on me when traveling. It’s enough money in case I have a nice sit-down lunch somewhere only to realize it’s cash only, but not so much that it’ll ruin my trip if I get pick-pocketed.

Tipping in Paris:

Although a strange concept for Americans, a tip is not necessary. That said, if you liked your meal or service it’s nice to add 5-10% tip.

If I’ve had a great time somewhere, enjoyed the service and plan to return I’ll tip 15-18%.

Money Tip for International Travel:

One of the best things I did for myself prior to traveling frequently was open a Charles Schwab account. No, I’m not a paid spokesperson for them, I’ve just saved money by having an account with them.

You can read more about it in my Travel Resources Page, but the most useful part about having a checking account with Schwab is that they offer no foreign transaction fees. This means that I’m credited back the $1-$5 ATM terminal charge when taking cash out. I also avoid paying any extra fees when using any brand ATM in foreign countries.

It’s saved me a lot of money over the years and allows me to carry smaller cash amounts which makes me feel safer.

For more information on planning the best trip to Paris, check out my Paris Travel Guide 2022.

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